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Commercial work


By Commercial work 173 Comments

I haven’t done too many food commercials before but for some reason I just did a whole whack of them last month.   One was for Maple Leaf Prime Naturally Chicken Wings. It was an online promo to be released just before the Superbowl.  We all know how much saucy wings and football go together! This gig was an easy one.  It was just one guy so only a wee bit of grooming was required (you can learn all about Male Grooming from a previous post of mine found here——->Grooming).  The only curve ball thrown at me was the actor…

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“Christmas is around the corner”

By Commercial work 2 Comments

Christmas is almost here…15 days to be exact and its one of my favorite times of the year (besides Halloween of course).  This year I got into the Christmas Spirit early having done hair and makeup for multiple Christmas commercials way before most people were even thinking about the holidays.  I thought I would share some of my work! Here is 1 of 8 Canadian Tire commercials that I worked on…these were a lot of fun: Click here——–> Canadian Tire-Unexpected Gift Roomba Vacuum How cute is that little kitty???   Here is a close up shot: And here is another commercial…

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