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Product Review

12 Days of Beauty Stocking Stuffers-Day 2

By Product Review 4 Comments

On the 2nd day of Christmas J9 gave to me…L’Oreal Elnett Hairspray!!! Elnett Satin is the legendary hairspray of choice for red carpet events and cover photo shoots. Its micro diffuser spray offers a clean, soft shiny finish. So fine, it disappears at the stroke of a brush. So strong its hold lasts all day. Sounds like a perfect hairspray right?  Well it is…my only stipulation with this spray is I’m not a big fan of the smell.  To me it smells like an old lady’s perfume so I always get the unscented kind which has a green label. I…

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12 Days of Beauty Stocking Stuffers-Day 1

By Product Review 3 Comments

Its December 1st and the holidays are just around the corner.  I thought to get into the holiday spirit and to share some my favorite things I would do 12 days of stocking stuffers!  All the products will be ones that I swear by and that you can easily pick up at Shoppers Drug Mart. So lets get started! On the first day of Christmas J9 gave to me…. Blistex Daily Conditioning Treatment or as I like to call it DCT 😉 I cannot get enough of this stuff.  I usually have about 5 tubs on the go and in…

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‘PRODUCT REVIEW’ Sigma Blending Brush

By Blog, Celebrity Makeup, Product Review 4 Comments

Whether I am doing multiple makeups for a large bridal party, dolling up several celebrities for TIFF or doing face after face for Toronto Fashion Week, I always make sure to have plenty of brushes to go around. As you can see I have a few 😉 I prefer to retire a brush once it’s been used for the day and I will wash/sanitize it thoroughly at night.  I find quick brush cleansing in between clients is not always feasible and I also find my brushes don’t perform the same when they have brush cleanser in them.  Most of my…

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‘PRODUCT REVIEW’ Original Tangle Teezer

By Product Review, Uncategorized 3 Comments

Another review folks-this time for a new innovative hair brush called the Original Tangle Teezer.  Now I must admit that I had seen this brush in various cosmetic supply stores and I always just passed right by it.  I even thought it kinda resembled a dog brush! But, when I was asked to try it out I had a closer look at the TT and all of the buzz out there actually got me curious. Firstly what is the Tangle Teezer? On the TT website it is described as “a professional detangling hairbrush that is loved by hairdressers and used…

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‘PRODUCT REVIEW’ The Balm’s Manizer Duo Kit

By Product Review, Uncategorized 4 Comments

I was lucky enough to be asked by Obsessed Canada to review two makeup products from The Balm-which is a complete makeup, skincare, hair care and nail polish line.   The Balm has a “beauty in five minutes” philosophy which marries well with the busy modern day woman.  The two products I got to sample are the Mary-Lou Manizer aka ‘The Luminizer’ and the Betty-Lou Manizer aka ‘The Bronzing Bandit’. The packaging for both products is super cute, complete with retro-looking cartoon characters.  Each compact has 8.5g of product and has a handy mirror inside. Lets first discuss the Mary-Lou.  If…

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‘PRODUCT REVIEW’ The Body Shop’s Vitamin C Microdermabrasion

By Product Review 2 Comments

Gone are the days when I thought that The Body Shop was for pre-teens who needed to stock up on their White Musk and Satsuma perfumes.  Don’t get me wrong I was one of those pre-teens back in the day but I must admit that I haven’t even stepped foot inside a Body Shop for at least 10 years.  It was actually my husband that re-piqued my interest in The Body Shop because he bought me Deep Sleep a calming bath milk that I desperately needed after the hustle and bustle of a strenuous work week. I absolutely love Deep…

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